How to Use Your Same Page Baby Tracker
Thank you for purchasing the Same Page Baby Tracker!
Name: Write baby’s name
Today is: Circle the day
Moods: Circle Baby’s mood. This can be more than one. Baby might be sad and angry or happy and loving.
Activities: Use this space to add activities for the day like tummy time, reading, sensory play etc.
Changing: Write the time that the last nappy / diaper change occurred. Then fill out what type of motion it was. An example could include soft with mustard seed texture. Then tick the corresponding types.
Wet – Pee Dirty – Poo Dry – No motion
Sleeping: Write what time the baby wakes for the day, then fill out how baby slept. This could be well, all night, fussy, etc. Use the grid to record baby’s naps during the day. Location could be car, cot, pram etc.
Feeding: Fill in the time of the last feed, then how the feed was administered. An example could be left side breast, or bottle of formula. Whenever a feed occurs, fill in the relevant information in the grid. Circle the type and / or side L (left breast) or side R (right breast) for breast feeding mamas.
BM – Breast Milk F – Formula S – Solids
Medication: List any medications that your baby takes during the day.
Notes: Use this space to add notes for the day. An example could be: Buy wet wipes. Or baby crawled today