Same Page Baby Tracker


Ensure your baby’s routine and wellbeing stays on track with this simple, magnetic tracker that records your little one’s daily feeds, sleep, moods and activities.

1 x A3 Reusable dry erase magnetic baby tracker
1 x A5 Reusable dry erase magnetic pumping tracker
2 x Dry-erase magnetic markers with eraser tips
1 x Instruction sheet



It takes a Village…

In most homes baby care is provided by more than one person. Mummies, daddies, grandparents, aunts, uncles, nannies and babysitters can all lend a helping hand.

Our simple, magnetic Same Page Infant Tracker keeps you and your baby’s caregivers on the “same page” in communicating your baby’s daily events.

Stick it on your fridge to communicate everything your baby gets up to every day.

Bonus pumping tracker included for pumping mamas.

We hope this tracker helps you as much as it helped our family!

How to use your Same Page Baby Tracker

  • Name: Add Baby’s Name
  • Today is: Circle the day
  • Moods: Circle Baby’s mood. This can be more than one. Baby might be sad and angry or happy and loving.
  • Activities: Use this space to add activities for the day like tummy time, reading, sensory play etc.
  • Changing: Write the time that the last nappy / diaper change occurred. Then fill out what type of motion it was. An example could include soft with mustard seed texture. Then tick the corresponding types. Wet – Pee     Dirty – Poo     Dry – No motion
  • Sleeping: Write what time the baby wakes for the day, then fill out how baby slept. This could be well, all night, fussy, etc. Use the grid to record baby’s naps during the day. Location could be car, cot, pram etc.
  • Feeding: Fill in the time of the last feed, then how the feed was administered. An example could be left side breast, or bottle of formula. Whenever a feed occurs, fill in the relevant information in the grid. Circle the type and / or side L (left breast) or side R (right breast) for breast feeding mamas.  BM – Breast Milk    F – Formula    S – Solids
  • Medication: List any medications that your baby takes during the day.
  • Notes: Use this space to add notes for the day. An example could be: Buy wet wipes. Or baby crawled today!

How to use your Same Page Baby Tracker

  • Time: The time you pump.
  • Duration: The duration of your pumping session.
  • Breast Side: Which breast you are pumping from. Circle both if you double pump.
  • Amount: Total amount pumped during the session.
  • Pump Type: M – Manual (Hand pumping, silicone suction pumps, hand expression etc.) – E – Electric (Electric single or double pump)
  • Total Day Amount: Add the total amounts at the end of your pumps.

How to care for your Same Page Baby Pumping Tracker

  • Before first use please, clean your tracker with a cloth soaked in warm soapy water or a general purpose cleaning spray.
  • Dry thoroughly before use.
  • Weekly, wipe down the tracker with a cloth soaked in warm soapy water or a general purpose cleaning spray.
  • Only use the markers and cap erasers provided with the tracker to avoid staining your tracker. Some brands of marker may stain or leave a film.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 32 × 45 × 1 cm

Bright, Muted Tones


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